· By Knude Society Team
How to edge: your ultimate edging guide
What if we told you there’s a way to make your orgasms even more intense?
We can't see you, but we're assuming you're shouting (or screaming?) yes! And edging is a way you can do exactly that.
First things first: what is edging?
Edging is the term given to the practice of pausing sexual stimulation just before you're about to orgasm. The idea is that you get as close as you possibly can to coming, without actually tipping over "the edge". Doing this repeatedly can build the pressure and excitement, so when you finally orgasm it's a more explosive experience.
There's a few reasons why people incorporate edging into their sexual play. From intensifying pleasure, lengthening the experience, as a way to tease themselves/their partner, or it can even be a kink.
Here we're going to break down its benefits, tips on how to add it in, and how our vibes here at Knude Society can help!
Benefits of edging for men/people with a penis
Trying or practising edging is a great way for men/those with penises to learn more about their arousal patterns and gain better control over sexual responses.
This is particularly beneficial if you experience premature ejaculation, as you can better control your body's responses and teach yourself to delay orgasm.
Edging can lead to more intense orgasms — as the heightening and then delaying of gratification means the eventual release is more powerful. As a result you can feel more connected to your partner/s, with this intimacy and act becoming a powerful source between you.
Benefits of edging for women/people with a vulva
Like men, for women edging can create a powerful exploration into truly understanding their body and discovering what brings them the most pleasure. The freedom in the act (which we know is a bit to get your head round) is empowering. There's no time restraint, no rush to get towards orgasm.
In fact, because it's the complete opposite, edging can provide that much-needed safe space for women to have the time to explore.
In addition to this, if you struggle to orgasm, edging provides an opportunity to build and maintain arousal — which significantly increases your likelihood of coming.
Heightened arousal also can lead to more explosive orgasms. With each "round" building on the last, so that when you do finally orgasm, its release is more potent and powerful.
How edge alone
1) Edging starts and ends with feeling safe and relaxed. So create a space for yourself that's warm and inviting and that doesn't have a time limit. You want to use this all to yourself.
2) Have your Glide lube on hand — whether that's starting with it straight away, or adding it later to try out different sensations within your edging experience.
3) Start getting hot and heavy with yourself — don't dive straight in with a vibe or toy. Instead begin slow with your fingers, stroking and exploring.
4) Just as you feel you're about to go over the edge, stop everything. Take your hands away or slow down movements and change where they're stimulating.
Bring awareness to your body: what were you thinking about or feeling at the point? Were you fantasising? Thinking about someone? Watching something? Take some deep breaths to connect with this.
5) Start the process again, maybe this time introducing a toy. Each time stopping before that point of no return and taking a few moments to reflect like you did in step 4 and connect again.
6) Repeat steps 3-4 as many times as you like until you reach your peak.
8) Let go and ENJOY!
Edging with a partner/s
1) Like when you're edging alone, edging with a partner starts and ends with feeling safe and relaxed. Create the space to set boundaries and talk about the process beforehand so you're both on the same page.
Take this openness into the space you create for the both of you.
2) Start to get hot n heavy with your partner in the way they love. Whether that's oral, nipple play, clitoral, penis play etc...
Edging is about purely focussing on their pleasure, so the more you can take control the better. Let them fully immerse themself in the feelings you're creating.
3) Check in regularly until you're sure they're about to reach orgasm. Listen to their breathing, if they're vocal take their cues.
4) When you're sure they're about to come (if they tell you or you can just tell) stop all stimulation. Allow a few moments or minutes to let their breathing and body return to normal.
5) Start the delicious process again, repeating as many times as you and they feel comfortable.
6) For the final time, let that amazing orgasm come crashing down over them. Enjoy basking in their pleasure.
7) After the orgasmic wave has passed — check in and see how you both feel. Ask yourselves questions like: how did you feel? What did you enjoy? What could make this better?
Remember, it takes practise — and that's completely normal.