By Emma Brown

8 reasons you should self-pleasure to help your PMS

Self pleasure, managé a moi, or good old-fashioned masturbation. Whatever you call it, you may have been doing it a lot, or you're starting out giving self pleasure a go. The good news? Masturbation isn’t just a fun way to pass time—it’s actually really good for you.

Have you ever found your sex drive almost vanished for the week or two before your period? Don’t worry, it’s not just in your head.

It’s time to talk hormones. Fatigue, bloating and anxiety set in when your testosterone levels hit that luteal phase roller coaster and with estrogen taking a nosedive, you might experience vaginal dryness as well. It’s no surprise that your sexual desire may go into hibernation. 

But, never fear — Knude Society and Evelyn are here to help. 

As leaders in the PMS and PMDD space, Evelyn know all about the impact of hormones on libido. As well as factual information and a science-backed supplement they have an online community to ensure you’re never alone. If you’re unsure how to get a formal diagnosis, check out their 70-page guide for all you need to know about talking to your GP about PMS and PMDD.

But on to the reason why we're here; feeling ourselves—literally and figuratively. And 9 reasons why anyone with a clitoris should masturbate more. Whether you need help with stress, sleep, or period pain, self-pleasure has you covered.

1) It's a stress reliever

We all know that life gets stressful, and PMS doesn’t help. The mood swings and anxiety that come with our cycles can feel really overwhelming at times. Thankfully, self-pleasure is a natural way to relieve that stress. Gentle (or furious if that's how you like it) stimulation, triggers the release of dopamine, endorphins, and oxytocin—otherwise known as the "happy hormones."

These chemicals reduce cortisol, the hormone responsible for making you feel stressed. Think of masturbation as a free, at-home stress-relief session. It’s like booking a meditation class without spending any money. And who doesn’t love a win-win?

2) It can help you sleep better

Struggling with sleep during PMS? You’re not alone. Research shows you can be twice as likely to experience insomnia before and during your period. But here’s the good news: a little "me time" before bed can help you sleep better. Orgasms not only relieve physical and emotional tension but also promote relaxation, helping you drift off faster.

Remember our friend oxytocin? This magical hormone also makes you feel relaxed and ready to snooze. So, if you’re tossing and turning, self-pleasure might be the answer to better sleep during your cycle.

3) You become more comfortable with your own body

Our relationship with our bodies can be complicated. During PMS, you can feel bloated, disconnected, or just not yourself. But self-pleasure offers a way to reconnect. The more you explore your body, the more you’ll learn what feels good, which helps foster a stronger bond with body.

This connection builds body confidence and allows you to embrace the changes your body goes through each month. Getting to know yourself—especially during PMS—can make all the difference in how you feel.

4) It can improve your sex life

Self-pleasure isn’t just for you when you're alone—it can also help improve your sex life. By exploring your own body, you’ll learn what you like, which means you’ll be better equipped to communicate that to a partner. Confidence in your preferences makes for better sexual experiences.

Getting comfortable masturbating during your period may also make you feel more comfortable having sex with a partner on it too. Plus your orgasms can feel different too. Like bloating making your g-spot feel extra sensitive.

5) Eases period cramps

If you’ve ever had period cramps, you know how much they suck. While the research is limited, many believe that orgasms can help ease period pain. During your period, your body releases prostaglandins, chemicals that cause your uterus to contract (hello, cramps).

Yep, the humble orgasm can also help relieve the,. Because the same happy hormones —dopamine and endorphins— are also natural painkillers. 

It's more fun than taking an ibuprofen, that's for sure. 

6) It’s a hell of a workout for your pelvic floor

We hear a lot about the importance of kegels, but masturbation also gives your pelvic floor muscles a workout. The contractions that happen during orgasm not only feel great but also help strengthen your pelvic muscles. Stronger pelvic muscles can help with everything from period pain to preventing incontinence.

7) There are no downsides

Masturbation is a safe and entirely personal way to experience pleasure. You won’t get pregnant, you won’t catch any infections, and you won’t have to worry about anyone else’s expectations. Whether you orgasm or not, it’s all about you.

8) Breaking the stigma: owning your pleasure

And last but by no means least, we venture into masturbation and stigma.

Self-pleasure has been treated as taboo for too long, especially for women. But times are changing. Women are leading conversations about body positivity, sexual health, and mental well-being. It’s time to embrace masturbation as a healthy, natural way to manage PMS, stress, and even improve your relationship with your body.

Whether you’re easing cramps, relieving stress, or just enjoying some "me time," masturbation is a simple and powerful tool. Your body is your own, and you deserve to feel good in it, especially during the ups and downs of your menstrual cycle.

So, next time you’re feeling bloated, anxious, or stressed from PMS, remember that self-pleasure is a natural and empowering way to reconnect with your body and mind. 

That's pretty powerful, right?